“Finding” is the powerful story of how a young boy becomes his adoptive mother’s greatest spiritual teacher.
Two years before adopting seven-year-old Keydell from a group home for young boys, Kim made a vow before the Dalai Lama to become a bodhisattva: one who cultivates an enlightened mind, is free from delusion, and practices kindness and compassion above all else. However, she struggles with this practice as her new son's challenged mind sends him into fits of rage and violence, while seemingly allowing him to feel no remorse for his actions. His behaviors go against everything Kim believes in, but she is determined to keep her chocolate-eyed boy safely in the home she has created with her husband and two biological children. As she tries everything she can to get Keydell the help he needs, she must also learn to accept him exactly as he is: a tiger in the home of elephants.
This vulnerable and touching account highlights the interplay between desire and reality, denial and acceptance, struggle and enlightenment. As the minds of this mother and her extraordinary son awaken - Kim's through her Buddhist practice, and Keydell's through the science of neurofeedback - we witness the power of love and compassion to overcome even the greatest odds.
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"What an amazing story. Against what felt like insurmountable odds, Kim Fuller trusted the wisdom of her own heart and, emboldened by the constancy of her meditation practice and the strength of her family, set out to create a loving home for a troubled but beautiful son. The story of their journey together may at times be difficult and heart-wrenching, but it is a true testament to the power of unconditional love and open-hearted compassion.
Linda Sparrowe - writer-editor-teacher
“A poignant story of mindfulness, advocacy, love and what it means to be a mother. I found myself nodding, crying, and cheering for Kim, Keydell and their family.”
- Leah DeCesare, author of Forks, Knives, and Spoons: A Novel, and the Naked Parenting series
My story is not unique but I hope can be helpful for many people. When I first adopted Keydell I was beginning a practice in Buddhism. I was looking for a teacher. Keydell became that teacher for me. He brought me lessons around compassion, empathy, unconditional love and showed me what it means to over come my "story" and his. I was blessed with an amazing childhood and he was not, but together we teach each other to tame our minds; the control tower of our actions, so we can each become our best self. I use my story as a backdrop in my motivational presentations so if you are interested please call to schedule a time to talk. I love to get to know my audience before I design my presentation. 401-225-3553
TEDx NewBedford Talk. November 2016- Click here to watch my talk
MERCURY - "In her book, Kim Fuller shares the joys and struggles of the adopting process."
Keydell made this video as a last chapter in the book. I thought he did such a good job that I wanted to share it for all of you. He continues to inspire me.